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View AvailabilityThis change affects new clients and those who have applied for assistance within the last 12 months. If your household received home energy assistance within the last 12 months, you will not be eligible for assistance until 12 months after your application was approved. The grant allocation the City of Sanford received to administer the LIHEAP to Seminole Country residents was reduced for FY2023-2024. The reduction in funding resulted in staff re-evaluating the program in an effort to reach more families during a 12-month period that are in need of assistance with paying their energy bill. The City will revisit this change in programming when additional funds are received.
Thank you, Community Relations & Neighborhood Engagement
If you need assistance, please call 407.688.5166, option #1, to make an appointment.
Applications and supporting documentation can be emailed, faxed or mailed back to the LIHEAP Office. Upon receipt of the application and documentation, LIHEAP staff will follow-up via phone or email to obtain any missing information. If you have any questions, please contact LIHEAP Department at 407.688.5166 or email at Liheap@sanfordfl.gov.
What is the Low Income Home Energy Assistance (LIHEAP) Program?
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is a Federally-funded program that helps low-income households with their home energy bills with three types of assistance:
The City of Sanford administers the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) for Seminole County residents. You may be eligible if your household size and income are not more that 150% of the federal poverty guidelines.Â
Office hours are Monday – Thursday, 7:00am to 5:30pm.  Services are by appointment only by calling  407.688.5166.Â
What information do I need to apply?
Please Note: Incomplete applications will not be processed. Please make sure all required information is provided with application and necessary supporting documents are included.
- Picture ID. (driver license/ID card
- Birth Certificate
- Name of all persons living in the household.
- Social Security card for all persons in the household
- Copy of rental agreement (lease) or mortgage statement
- Proof of energy obligation – Utility bill, Final Notice or Past Due Notification from your energy company is required.
- Income documentation, including any or all of the following:
- Wage statement
- Child support documentation
- Food stamp documentation
- Social Security Income documentation
- Social Security award letter
- Income for all persons in the household who have income
- Unemployment compensation
- VA. Benefits
- Retirement Benefits
- If more than one household resides at the same location, the applicant must provide clarification of their separate household status.
Residency Requirements
Must reside in Seminole County. Must be a legal citizen of U.S. or registered alien eligible for federal benefits.
Income Eligibility
Click Here to determine your income eligibility for your household size.
The three types of assistance LIHEAP provides are:
- Home Energy amount is base household’s income level as compared to the national poverty income level matrix. The income limit is 150% of the federal poverty guidelines.
- This takes into account both gross income and family size. The lower the income, the higher the home energy benefit level.
- An emergency or crisis is not an eligibility requirement under this area of assistance. This area pays the matrix benefit amount, not the actual current home energy bill amount.
- Helps eligible households resolve or mitigate a home energy crisis.
- No access, or being in immediate danger of losing access to needed home energy.
- Crisis assistance is limited to once during the cooling season(April-September)and once during the heating season-(October-March).
- Assistance to resolve or mitigate a home energy crisis caused by an emergency declared by the Secretary, Governor, or President.
LIHEAP Frequently Ask Questions - FAQ
The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) lowers the energy burden for households by helping with home energy bills—heating costs during the winter and cooling costs during the summer for those who qualify.
- What is LIHEAP?
- LIHEAP is a federal program that helps low income households pay for heating or cooling their homes. LIHEAP can help you stay warm in the winter and cool in the summer through programs that reduces the risk of health and safety problems that arise form unsafe heating and cooling situation.
- How can I apply for LIHEAP?
- You may contact the agency provider in your area to apply.
- Please contact us at 407-688-5166 # 1 and make an appointment.
- If you are unable to leave your home, the agency may do a home visit or allow you to mail in your application. (ONLY TO DISABLED SENIORS)
- Applications are available in English and Spanish.
- What kind of services LIHEAP does provide?
- LIHEAP is designed differently in every state; depending on where you live, your local LIHEAP office may provide things like: paying heating or cooling bills; and the gas bill in the winter ONLY.
- Emergency services in cases of energy crisis, such as utility shut off, utility deposit (if funds are available).
- LIHEAP only assists Seminole County residents; businesses are not eligible.
- Does LIHEAP help for Water and Sewer?
- LIHEAP funds can only be used to help you pay to heat or cool your home.
- Generally, LIHEAP funds may not be used to pay water and sewer bills.
- Will LIHEAP pay for my whole utility bill?
- Probably not. LIHEAP is not meant to pay for all your energy costs for the year, the season, or even the month.
- The amount of help that you get will depend on the household income, your energy costs or need, your family size, and possibly other factors.
- How do I know if I qualified for LIHEAP?
- The agency will send you a notice within 30 days of your application stating, whether you are eligible and the amount of your assistance.
- If you do not receive an approval letter or denial letter you need to contact your LIHEAP local office or your Utility Company.
- If you are SEMINOLE COUNTY resident, you can call at 407-688-5166 for more information.
- If your application is approved, the grant will be issued to the utility company within 45 days after.
- Do I qualify for LIHEAP if I receive SNAP or TANF?
- The grantees have the option to automatically qualify any household that receive Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or certain types of veteran’s benefits.
- If I rent or live in subsidized or public housing, can I receive help from LIHEAP?
- Renters are eligible for LIHEAP assistance.
- If you live in subsidized or public housing, you may be eligible for LIHEAP assistance depending on where you live and how you pay for your utilities. For information specific to your particular situation, contact your local LIHEAP office.
- What is the most income I can make and still get LIHEAP assistance?
- The LIHEAP is based on the household income and the Federal Poverty Guideline.
- Now, if you are within 150% percent of the poverty guideline you qualify, which opens the door for those who might not have qualified in the past.
- What if I apply for LIHEAP and there is not funds available?
- You should contact your local office to find out if LIHEAP benefits may be available later.
- You can ask your local LIHEAP office, if there is help available from others sources, such as federal programs, local organizations or private funds.
- Can I submit my application ONLINE?
- NO, we are currently not accepting online applications.
- Applications will not be accepted if you do not have an appointment.
- There an exception for Seniors Citizens. (60+).
- How long it takes to process my application?
- The application process takes approximately 72 hours. (first come, first served).
- The applications will be process in order of received.
- Can I send the LIHEAP application directly to the federal government?
- No. The Federal Government does not help pay your electric bills directly.
- What document (s) I need to provide to receive LIHEAP assistance?
- A photo ID
- Social Security Card (s) for everyone in the household
- Copies of the most recent utility bill
- Proof for Income for the last 30 days
- Proof for residency (mortgage, section 8, Lease, property taxes, (if apply).
- Birth Certificate
- Food Stamp & Cash Assistance (SNAP &TANF)
- SSI or Social Security Income verification (if apply)
- Retirement or VA (if apply)
- Child Support
- Light bill
- Additional information and/or documents may be required to determine your eligibility for LIHEAP energy assistance.
- If my application has been denied and I do not agree; what do I need to do?
- You need to contact your local office for more information.
- You can write an appeal form.
- Appeal form are available in your LIHEAP local office.
- The appeal form takes 15 working days to review.
- The LIHEAP office supervisor will be contact you within 15 days.
- If you still do not agree with the decision, you can contact the Director of Community Relations & Neighborhood Engagement.
- The Director will determine if you qualify for LIHEAP assistance based the information you have provided to the local LIHEAP office.
- The appeal decision will be on based of the LIHEAP Regulations and Procedures.
El Programa de Asistencia de EnergÃa para hogares de bajos ingreso (LIHEAP, por sus siglas en inglés) ayuda a reducir la factura de energÃa del hogar y de gas. También ayuda a reducir los costos de calefacción durante el invierno, costos del aire acondicionado durante el verano y de gas para la calefacción en el invierno, si califica.
- Que es LIHEAP?
- LIHEAP es un Programa Federal que provee asistencia de energÃa para hogares de bajos ingresos, es un programa que ayuda a los hogares de bajos ingresos a pagar por calentar o enfriar su hogar.
- ¿Como puedo aplicar para LIHEAP?
- Para aplicar debe comunicarse a la oficina local más cercana a su área.
- Deberá llamar al 407-688-5166 #1 para hacer una cita.
- Si usted o algún miembro (s) de su familia es incapacitado(a) y no puede llegar a nuestra oficina, una persona especializada podrá visitarlo (a) para asistirlo (excepciones aplican).
- ¿Qué tipos de Servicios provee LIHEAP?
- LIHEAP es diferente en cada estado, dependiendo donde reside, su oficina local deberá asistir con el pago de calefacción y aire acondicionado.
- LIHEAP asiste con la ayuda de gas si califica. (solo en el invierno si hay fondos disponibles).
- LIHEAP provee servicios en casos de emergencia con la factura de electricidad. Por ejemplo; Si usted necesita ayuda para el depósito de energÃa eléctrica, si su factura está atrasada y está en riesgo de ser desconectado (a) usted podrá calificar para la ayuda del Programa de EnergÃa Eléctrica.
- La ayuda para el servicio de energÃa eléctrica es solo para residentes del Condado del Seminole. (cada Condado cuenta con su propia oficia de LIHEAP).
- LIHEAP provee asistencia para el Agua y Alcantarillado?
- NO. Los fondos de LIHEAP son utilizados solamente para la calefacción en el invierno y el aire acondicionado en el verano.
- Generalmente los fondos de LIHEAP son utilizados para el costo de energÃa eléctrica solamente.
- ¿Puede pagar LIHEAP toda mi factura eléctrica?
- Posiblemente (depende su situación).
- LIHEAP no esta destinado a pagar todo el costo de su factura de energÃa eléctrica para todo el año.
- La cantidad de asistencia que reciba dependerá de los ingresos de hogar, costos o necesidad en el momento que aplique.
- El tamaño familiar será un factor importante para poder calificar para la ayuda de energÃa eléctrica.
- ¿Como puedo saber si califico para la asistencia de LIHEAP?
- Si califica, la agencia le enviara una carta de aprobación dentro de los 30 dÃas posteriores a su solicitud.
- La carta le indicara si es elegible y la cantidad que ha sido asistido (a).
- Si no recibe la carta de aprobación o denegada, debe comunicarse con su oficina local de LIHEAP o con su CompañÃa De Servicios De Electricidad.
- Si su solicitud es aprobada el monto se le enviara directamente a la agencia de servicios eléctrico dentro de 45 dÃas.
- Si usted es residente del CONDADO SEMINOLE, puede llamar a nuestra oficina local.
- ¿Califico para LIHEAP si recibo SNAP o TANF? (Programa de Asistencia Nutricional – Asistencia Temporal Para Familias Necesitadas).
- Automáticamente si usted recibe ayuda del Programa de Asistencia Nutricional o Asistencia Temporal para Familias Necesitadas puede ser elegible.
- Puede ser elegible si recibe Seguridad de Ingreso Suplementario (SSI) o ciertos tipos de beneficios para veteranos.
- ¿Si alquilo o resido en viviendas subsidiadas o públicas, Puedo recibir ayuda de LIHEAP?
- Si reside en una vivienda subsidiada o publica, puede ser elegible para la asistencia de LIHEAP, dependiendo de donde resida y como pague sus servicios públicos. Para obtener información especÃfica de su situación particular, comunÃquese con su oficina local de LIHEAP.
- ¿Cuál es la mayor cantidad de ingresos que puedo obtener y aun asà obtener asistencia de LIHEAP?
- La asistencia de LIHEAP se basa en el ingreso familiar y La Tabla Federal de Pobreza.
- Si se encuentra dentro del 150% de La Tabla Federal usted califica.
- El 150% de la Tabla Federal abre las puertas para aquellos que podrÃan no haber calificado en el pasado.
- ¿Qué pasa si solicito LIHEAP y no hay fondos disponibles?
- Debe comunicarse con su oficina local para verificar si los beneficios aún están disponibles.
- Puede preguntar a su oficina local de LIHEAP, si hay ayuda disponible de otras fuentes, como programas federales, organizaciones locales o fondos privados.
- ¿Puedo enviar mi solicitud directamente al Sitio Web?
- En estos momentos NO SE ACEPTAN aplicaciones a través del sitio Web.
- ¿Cuánto tiempo demora en procesar mi aplicación de LIHEAP?
- El proceso de su aplicación toma aproximadamente 72 horas laborales. (dependerá del orden en que se reciba su aplicación).
- Si hay fondos disponibles y usted califica; su aplicación se procesará en el orden que se reciba.
- ¿Puedo enviar la aplicación directamente al gobierno federal?
- El Gobierno Federal no ayuda a pagar su factura ni procesa ninguna aplicación de LIHEAP directamente.
- ¿Qué documento (s) necesito proveer para recibir asistencia de LIHEAP?
- Identificación con foto
- Tarjeta de Seguro Social (s) de cada miembro del hogar incluyendo el aplicante.
- Copia de la factura de electricidad
- Comprobante de ingreso de los últimos 30 dÃas
- Prueba de residencia (hipoteca, sección 8, contrato de arrendamiento, los impuestos de la propiedad,
- Certificado de Nacimiento
- La carta de las estampillas para alimento
- Verificación de Ingreso de SSI, SS o Veterano y pensión (si aplica).
- Manutención de los Hijos (si aplica)
- Tenga en cuenta que es posible que se requiera información y/o documentos adicionales para determinar su elegibilidad para la asistencia de LIHEAP.
- Si mi aplicación ha sido denegada y no estoy de acuerdo; ¿Qué puedo hacer?
- Debe comunicarse con la oficina local
- Puede apelar
- El formulario de apelar la puede obtener en la oficina local.
- El proceso de apelar toma aproximadamente 15 dÃas laborales.
- EL Supervisor se comunicará con usted dentro de los 15 dÃas laborales.
- Si usted no esta de acuerdo a la decisión tomada, usted puede contactar al director de LIHEAP.
- El director del departamento determinara si usted califica en base a la información proveÃda con su aplicación.
- La decisión se toma en base al proceso y regulaciones de programa de LIHEAP.